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International Movement

Transparency International Canada is one of over 100 accredited chapters of the Transparency International Secretariat (TI-S). Based in Berlin, Germany, TI-S is the hub of our international movement against corruption and works in close proximity with Transparency International Canada.


Transparency International Canada (TI-Can) and TI-S have collaborated on numerous projects benefiting Canadians and showcasing Canadian leadership in integrity on the global stage. Currently, TI-S and TI-Can are focused on delivering the Inclusive Service Delivery in Africa Project.

Europe & Central Asia Group of Transparency International Chapters

Transparency International Canada coordinates with our fellow regional chapters through dedicated check-ins, regular updates, and an annual retreat. The Europe and Central Asia Group is one of five international regional groups, the others being: Asia-Pacific, Americas, Middle East & North Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Corruption Perceptions Index

The GPI tracks perceptions around corruption around the world within the public sector as tracked by a dedicated research team at TI-S.

Global Corruption Barometer

The world’s largest survey on experiences faced by people in everyday circumstances related to corruption. Since 2003, the Global Corruption Barometer has consulted tens of thousands of people worldwide to track public opinion on corruption.

Advocacy & Legal Advice Centres

Operating in more than 60 countries, the Advocacy and Legal Advice Centres (ALACs) empower individuals, families and communities to safely report corruption when they see it happen.

Anti-Corruption Helpdesk

The Anti-Corruption Helpdesk is a knowledge service providing access to on-demand research on corruption and anti-corruption topics for the TI network and selected stakeholders. Through desk research using publicly available sources, our service ensures timely responses to users' enquiries. These enquiries are typically answered in the form of research briefs, drawing upon a wide pool of experts to provide synthesised research, case study insights, and best practices in anti-corruption. As such, the Helpdesk services responds to the professional knowledge and research needs of anti-corruption practitioners, providing timely and tailored responses to corruption-related enquiries.

Knowledge Hub

The Knowledge Hub is an online space where our movement presents its research. It is the home of the expert network, a series of topic guides, and country-specific research. In addition, the Hub hosts many of the studies, tools and knowledge which lie behind what we do at Transparency International.

International Anti-Corruption Conference

The International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) is the world’s leading conference on anti-corruption. Held biannually, the IACC is hosted by the national government where the conference takes place and welcomes 3,000 participants from around the world.

  • 21st IACC Vilnius, Lithuania | June 18-21, 2024

  • 20th IACC Washington DC, USA | December 6-10. 2022

  • 19th IACC Seoul, Republic of Korea | December 1-4, 2020

  • 18th IACC Copenhagen, Denmark | October 22-24, 2018

  • 17th IACC Panama City, Panama | December 1-4, 2016

  • 16th IACC Putraya, Malaysia | September 2-4, 2015

  • 15th IACC Brasilia, Brazil | November 7-10, 2012

  • 14th IACC Bangkok, Thailand | November 10-13, 2010

  • 13th IACC Athens, Greece | 2008

  • 12th IACC Guatemala City, Guatemala | 2006

  • 11th IACC Seoul, Republic of Korea | 2003

  • 10th IACC Prague, Czechia | 2001

  • 9th IACC Durban, South Africa | 1999

  • 8th IACC Lima, Peru | 1997

  • 7th IACC Beijing, China | 1995

  • 6th IACC Cancun, Mexico | 1993

  • 5th IACC Amsterdam, Netherlands | 1992

  • 4th IACC Sydney, Australia | 1989

  • 3rd IACC Hong Kong | 1987

  • 2nd IACC New York City, USA | 1985

  • 1st IACC Washington DC, USA | 1983