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Research and publications


Research is a key component of Transparency International Canada’s commitment to uncovering corruption and creating true accountability at home and across the globe. Our anti-corruption research explores whistleblower actions and legislation, works to uncover corruption across the Canadian landscape, and explores the role of Canadian companies in corruption worldwide.

Meant to expand on the anti-corruption research Transparency International has taken on globally, these investigative projects are part of our mandate to educate the public and better inform key decision-makers on the importance of transparency in all areas of business.

Stay informed and up to date on Transparency International Canada’s ongoing research through the reports and information highlighted below.



Transparency International Canada’s mandate involves educating and building awareness on the effects of corruption across the country and worldwide. To accomplish that task, we keep up to date on the latest whistleblower actions, anti-corruption initiatives and investigations from organizations such as the United Nations (UN), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Organization of American States (OAS). The global branches of Transparency International (TI) also regularly publish reports and surveys examining national and thematic subjects of corruption.

Due to its nature, the scale of corruption is impossible to quantify with precision. However, there are informed estimates available, and organizations like the ones above are dedicated to investigating the effects a lack of transparency can have on society. The following anti-corruption research has been curated by Transparency International Canada from groups across the globe, in order to help expand awareness on the topic.