CPI Business Briefing
Find out the state of corruption and what it means for business, through the 2024 Corruption Perceptions Index.
Find out the state of corruption and what it means for business, through the 2024 Corruption Perceptions Index.
8:00AM-6:30PM, November 28, 2024
Dentons LLP | #400 - 77 King Street West | Toronto, ON
Presented by
Become a sponsor - email ti-can@transparencycanada.ca to learn more about opportunities for your business
Arrival, Registration, and Coffee | 8:00AM-8:30AM
Program | 8:30AM-5:00PM
Welcome Remarks | 8:30-8:45AM
Keynote Address: FATF Review and Canada | 8:45-9:15AM
Panel: Whistleblowing | 9:15-10:30AM
Coffee + Networking Break | 10:30-11:00AM
Presentation: Foreign Interference | 11:00-11:30AM
Panel: Bill C-70 | 11:30AM-12:45PM
Lunch | 12:45-1:45PM
Presentation: Beneficial Ownership Transparency | 1:45-2:00PM
Panel: Anti-Money Laundering | 2:00-3:15PM
Coffee + Networking Break | 3:15-3:45PM
Briefing and Q&A: Canada’s new Procurement Integrity Regime | 3:45PM-4:30PM
Presentation of the 4th Canadian Integrity Award | 4:30-4:45PM
Closing Remarks | 4:45-5:00PM
Networking Reception 5:00PM-6:30PM
Refreshments provided
Join TI Canada and our friends at TI UK for a digital dialogue exploring the lessons Canada can learn from the UK's recent election in terms of advocacy for the fight against corruption. Daniel Bruce, CEO of TI UK, will share his insights and perspectives following the recent UK election, and there will be an opportunity for dialogue with Daniel. After 14 years, the UK is undergoing a change in government. What implications will this have for anti-corruption efforts? How did TI UK engage with all political parties to prioritize integrity during the campaign? What expectations are there for the new government to address corruption issues? We hope you'll join us for this important discussion for important takeways that Canadians can apply ahead of an expected election in 2025.
Join us for our Annual General Meeting on June 12 from 12:00 to 14:00 EST.
The first hour of the meeting will be a chat with Casey Michel, director of the Combating Kleptocracy Program with the Human Rights Foundation and author of American Kleptocracy.
This is open to the general public so we encourage you to attend this part of the meeting even if you are not a member. We will then ask non-members to leave as we go into the closed part of the meeting or the formal AGM.
Professor Zachary Spicer, supported by Transparency International Canada and the End Snow-Washing Coalition, has conducted a study of how Canada’s federal, provincial, and municipal governments use beneficial ownership information in contracting, licensing and permitting processes. The final report will be forthcoming.
Join us Thursday, November 30th for Canada’s premier anti-corruption event, engaging with top experts from industry, government, civil society, and academia.
TI Canada published a report discussing the challenges and opportunities associated with resource development in Newfoundland and Labrador and the importance of transparency and accountability in the environmental assessment (EA) process.
With its future growth largely tied to offshore oil and gas, mining, and electric power generation from hydro and wind, Newfoundland and Labrador’s economic engines must advance with due regard to the EA process.
Transparency International Canada’s 26th Annual General Meeting is June 22nd at 12pm EST. The keynote address with Rita Twitcher of the Globe & Mail is open to the public, and will be followed by the formal agenda for TI Canada Members only.
This conference will provide Canadian policymakers, academics, and civil society with insights on why it is important to integrate anti-corruption across different aspects of Canadian foreign policy and how it can be done
Session 1:
The Existing Situation –A discussion of Ukraine Reconstruction priorities, current procurement frameworks, and anti-corruption safeguards
In this white paper, TI Canada considers how the proposed CFCA could contribute to Canada’s anti-corruption efforts. We propose a broader scope for a CFCA than what the government appears to be moving towards.
Transparency International Canada vous convie à un Après-Midi de Dialogue qui sera consacré à des thèmes critiques pour tous ceux et celles qui s’intéressent à la prévention de la corruption, la gouvernance et l’éthique.
The Cullen Commission Report has recommended various measures to achieve enhanced oversight, greater transparency in financial reporting, and more robust investigation and prosecution of money laundering in British Columbia through the addition of two new institutional bodies:
►BC Anti-Money Laundering Commissioner
►Dedicated Provincial Intelligence and Investigation Unit
This webinar will discuss these proposed initiatives and current plans for their implementation. We will also explore how these measures would interface with the proposed Canada Financial Crimes Agency (CFCA) of the Government of Canada, and with Canada’s Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre (FINTRAC).
The goal this session is to explore the topic of unidentified wealth orders and civil forfeiture in the context of anti-money laundering initiatives in Britsh Columbia
Join us Thursday, November 17 for Canada’s premier anti-corruption event, engaging with top experts from industry, government, civil society, and academia.
The goal of this session is to review the Cullen Commission’s recommendation on beneficial ownership transparency as tool for combating money laundering in Canada.
Join us in conversation with Frank Vogl, co-founder of Transparency International, who will discuss his new book “The Enablers: How the West Supports Kleptocrats and Corruption-Endangering Our Democracy”.
Rejoignez-nous pour discuter avec Frank Vogl, co-fondateur de Transparency International, de son nouveau livre « The Enablers : How the West Supports Kleptocrats and Corruption-Endangering Our Democracy. »
Canada enjoys a positive global reputation as a stable, affluent democracy with strong rule of law. Yet it is also among the most opaque jurisdictions when it comes to the ownership of companies and partnerships.
Senior government officials in numerous countries have long been embezzling public money and other assets with impunity. Known as grand corruption, this activity makes petty bribery look like child’s play, thanks to the millions―and sometimes billions―of dollars stolen by these kleptocrats.
This webinar is intended to look at anti-corruption from various perspectives that are not always considered together, with the goal of explaining why Canada needs to integrate anti-corruption as a cross-cutting issues in its foreign policy.
This Roundtable will bring together women who work with anti-corruption and create a future space that promotes research, exchange of experiences, and a deeper understanding of the impact of gender on corruption and of corruption on gender.
The ACLP continues its series of monthly webinars in 2021 that feature industry experts who share ideas and insight with their peers to help public and private sector policy makers combat corruption more effectively.
Sam Cooper, Global News journalist and author of the newly-released Wilful Blindness, will speak of the book’s investigation into the so-called "Vancouver Model" of money-laundering and its dire social, economic and security consequences.
Il reste cependant beaucoup à faire pour assurer que le registre de propriété effective dont se dotera le Canada soit optimal. Lors de ce webinaire, les experts discuteront des composantes-clés que devrait comporter le registre canadien et de la meilleure façon de les mettre en œuvre.
There is still work to do to ensure Canada has a best-in-class beneficial ownership registry. In this webinar, experts will discuss key components of a registry that the government must consider and how best to implement them.
This ACLP seminar will explore the relationship of ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) pertaining to the extractives industries from federal government and human rights perspectives to business, Indigenous and impacted community perspectives.
Transparency International Canada (TI Canada) has released a new Strategic Plan for the 2021-2023 period. Join us on Thursday, April 15th, from 12:00-1:00 PM EST in a free webinar to learn more about the organization's strategic priorities.
This ACLP Seminar will provide an opportunity for participants to explore the expectations for ethical behaviour from all participants in projects that are fully or partially financed by public financial institutions.
Cette discussion, qui se voudra interactive, sera d’intérêt pour les professionnels qui travaillent dans le domaine de la gouvernance et de la lutte corruption, les professionnels de la conformité et tous ceux et celles qui s’intéressent aux questions de bonne gouvernance plus généralement.
Join Transparency International Canada in a discussion about the integration of gender in environmental assessments (EAs).