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2023 Corruption Perceptions Index results | Les résultats 2023 de l’Indice de perception de la corruption

2023 Corruption Perceptions Index results | Les résultats 2023 de l’Indice de perception de la corruption


For Canadians there is good news and bad news in today’s release of Transparency International’s 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI)

The good news: Canada has moved up to 76 points and 12th place after scoring 74 points and ranking 14th last year.

The bad news: We have still not returned to the top ten least corrupt list that Canada consistently ranked in prior to 2019. 

Canada passes landmark legislation to fight corruption, money laundering, tax evasion, and terrorist financing.

Canada passes landmark legislation to fight corruption, money laundering, tax evasion, and terrorist financing.

OTTAWA: Today, Bill C-42 successfully received Royal Assent, paving the way for Canada to have a publicly accessible registry that lists the ultimate beneficial owners of companies. Earlier last month, Senate members heard from the ‘End Snow-washing’ Coalition: Publish What You Pay Canada, Transparency International Canada, and Canadians For Tax Fairness who provided a strong endorsement for the legislation and urged members to ensure it gets through Canada’s Senate without delay. Yesterday, the bill successfully passed all stages of reading in Canada’s Parliament and today it received Royal Assent.

Substandard enforcement plagues Canada’s anti-corruption efforts

Substandard enforcement plagues Canada’s anti-corruption efforts

Transparency International Canada (TI Canada) continues to identify the inadequate level of enforcement for corruption offences as the greatest barrier to combatting corruption in Canada. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) signalled its agreement with this in its Phase IV report on Canada’s implementation of the Anti-Bribery Convention, calling enforcement “exceedingly low”. Almost 25 years after the adoption of the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act (CFPOA), Canada’s criminal law prohibiting foreign bribery, charges have been laid in only nine cases – a paltry number especially considering the size and dominant industry sector of Canada’s economy.  

Coalition appears before Canada’s Senate to support federal legislation for a publicly accessible corporate beneficial ownership registry.

Coalition appears before Canada’s Senate to support federal legislation for a publicly accessible corporate beneficial ownership registry.

OTTAWA: Yesterday, Canada’s Standing Senate committee on Banking, Commerce and the Economy (BANC) heard from the ‘End Snow-washing’ Coalition: Publish What You Pay Canada, Transparency International Canada, and Canadians For Tax Fairness. The Coalition provided strong support of long-awaited legislation (Bill C-42) for a corporate beneficial ownership, which the Senate is studying. Should this bill pass, it will be a massive blow against money laundering, corruption, tax evasion, and terrorist financing. 

TI Canada Coalition Response to AML Consultation 2023

TI Canada Coalition Response to AML Consultation 2023

TI Canada, together with our End Snow Washing Coalition partners Publish What You Pay Canada and Canadians for Tax Fairness, have together provided a submission to the Department of Finance in response to their Consultation on Strengthening Canada's Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing Regime

David Hutton receives 2nd Canadian Integrity Award

David Hutton receives 2nd Canadian Integrity Award

At the 2022 Toronto Day of Dialogue on November 17, TI Canada recognized Mr. David Hutton for the 2nd Canadian Integrity Award. Mr. Hutton is Senior Fellow at the Centre for Free Expression at Toronto Metropolitan University.

TI Canada also recognized as an honourable mention, the Radio-Canada investigative journalist program Enquête. Representing Enquête at the Day of Dialogue were managing editor, Luc Tremblay and host, Marie-Maude Denis.

TI Canada Testifies in Senate on Bill S-217

On March 24th, Transparency International Chair and President, Susan Côté-Freeman testified on behalf of TI Canada at the Standing Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade. Susan was called as an expert witness on Bill S-217 - An Act respecting the repurposing of certain seized, frozen or sequestrated assets.

Press Release: Canada marketed abroad as a secrecy jurisdiction to crooks and tax cheats: new report

Press Release: Canada marketed abroad as a secrecy jurisdiction to crooks and tax cheats: new report

Canada is known as an easy place to launder dirty money, or ‘snow-wash’. It’s not just the experts who know this though. International corporate service providers actively promote incorporating companies in Canada to clients who wish to take advantage of lax secrecy laws and low financial crime enforcement.