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TI Canada publishes research on state of whistleblower protections in Canada

The Whistleblower Report was prepared for TI Canada to assist it in better understanding the state of whistleblower protection in Canada as compared to other jurisdictions and the extent to which different whistleblower protection mechanisms could effectively support the battle against corruption.The Report examines whistleblower protections in Canada at the provincial and federal levels as compared to those in the US, Australia, and the UK. It also looks at Canada's international commitments under the Inter-American Convention Against Corruption, the United Nations Convention Against Corruption, and the G20 as well as the international principles for whistleblower legislation provided by Transparency International.

Paul Lalonde discusses OSC's proposal to financially reward whistle-blowers

Board member of TI Canada and partner at Denton's Canada, Paul Lalonde, commented on the recent Ontario Securities Commission announcement that it is interested in adopting a whistle-blower program. The OSC proposes to offer whistle-blowers financial rewards for coming forth with timely an credible information that leads to the imposition of monetary sanctions.TI Canada's soon-to-be-published paper concludes that whistle-blower protections in Canada are insufficient and fall short of Canada's international commitments to adopt more robust whistle-blower protection laws.   

Transparency International: Blatter Must Stand Down and Elections Suspended

Following the announcement by Swiss and US investigators of criminal proceedings against FIFA for alleged money laundering in connection with the 2018 and 2022 World Cups and allegations of “systematic” corruption in the United States and Latin America, Transparency International has said Sepp Blatter must now stand down and upcoming presidential elections suspended.

TI-Canada letter to Minister Diane Finley re PWGSC Integrity Framework

Letter to Minister Diane FinleyTI-Canada has sent this letter to The Honourable Diane Finley, Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC), with regard to observations concerning amendments to PWGSC’s Integrity Framework, which governs accountability and integrity in government procurement and real property transactions.TI-Canada believes in striking the right balance and arriving at a durable Canadian solution that is effective in fighting corruption, induces positive change in business practices and enjoys broad support, all of which will take time and careful consideration. As PWGSC reviews the Integrity Framework, TI-Canada, with its considerable anti-corruption and transparency expertise, believes that it can play a useful role in this process.

New anti-corruption measure for oil, gas and mining companies passes into law amidst cautions from civil society

December 17th 2014 – Canada’s new law requiring oil, gas, and mining companies to annually report the taxes, royalties and other payments they make to governments passed into law on December 16th after receiving Royal Assent. Civil society organizations in Canada and abroad are welcoming the news, but caution that much work needs to be done to ensure citizens in resource-rich developing countries can access and use the information companies disclose.

De nouvelles mesures législatives anticorruption pour les sociétés pétrolières, gazières et minières sont adoptées — la société civile émet des mises en garde

Le 17 décembre 2014 – La nouvelle loi canadienne exigeant que les sociétés pétrolières, gazières et minières rendent compte chaque année des taxes, des redevances et des autres paiements qu’elles versent aux gouvernements a été promulguée le 16 décembre après avoir reçu la sanction royale. Des organisations de la société civile au Canada et à l’étranger accueillent favorablement cette nouvelle, mais indiquent qu’il reste encore beaucoup à faire pour s’assurer que les citoyens des pays en développement riches en ressources puissent avoir accès à l’information divulguée par les compagnies et l’utiliser. En savoir plus