At the beginning of 2017, Transparency International ranked Canada 9 out of 176 on the 2016 Corruption Perception Index. Taking this International Anti-Corruption Day to reflect on 2017, this year revealed that Canada’s top CPI position can make the country a target if we do not remain vigilant against corruption, particularly beneficial ownership transparency.
Transparency International Canada Pushes Forward on Beneficial Ownership Transparency
Transparency International Canada Response to Government of Canada Consultations on Integrity Regimes and Deferred Prosecution Agreements
On November 17, Transparency International Canada (TI Canada) submitted reports in response to Public Services and Procurement Canada’s (PSPC) open consultation between September 25 and November 17, 2017 on integrity regimes and deferred prosecution agreements (DPAs).
Anti-corruption loses great advocate with death of Wes Cragg, Founding Chair and President of TI-Canada
PRESS RELEASE: Canada’s Response to Beneficial Ownership: Waiting for the Details
Toronto – Today, Finance Minister Morneau announced the Federal Government’s call for consultation on ‘Tax Planning Using Private Corporations’. This consultation follows Minister Morneau’s recent public statement that recognizes that anonymous beneficial ownership of corporations are harming Canada by allowing the flow of dirty money domestically and from overseas.
Letter to the First Ministers Calling for Transparency of Corporate Ownership
New Transparency International Canada Report “Another Arrow in the Quiver?: Consideration of a Deferred Prosecution Agreement Scheme in Canada”
TORONTO – White collar crime enforcement is chronically low in Canada and law enforcement officials need additional tools to support their efforts. Based on this, a new report from Transparency International Canada (TI Canada) recommends the Government of Canada consider adopting a Deferred Prosecution Agreements (DPAs).
TI Canada makes presentation to the Organization of American States Mechanism for Follow-Up on the Implementation of the Inter-American Convention against Corruption
TI Canada was invited to by the Committee of Experts (CoE) of the Organization of American Sates (OAS) Mechanism for Follow-Up on the Implementation of the Inter-American Convention against Corruption (MESICIC) to make during an onsite visit in Ottawa on April 25-27. The review is in accordance with the Methodology for Conducting On-site Visits (Methodology) adopted by its States Parties
Donate Ontario Supreme Court – Karigar Sentencing Decision
Paul Lalonde discusses OSC’s proposal to financially reward whistle-blowers
Board member of TI Canada and partner at Denton’s Canada, Paul Lalonde, commented on the recent Ontario Securities Commission announcement that it is interested in adopting a whistle-blower program. The OSC proposes to offer whistle-blowers financial rewards for coming forth with timely an credible information that leads to the imposition of monetary sanctions.
Corporate Wrongdoing – Assessing Canada’s Policies on Integrity Framework
Donate TI Canada responds to the new Integrity Regime introduced by PWGSC in July 2015
On July 3rd 2015, the Department of Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) introduced its revamped procurement Integrity Regime. The Regime replaces the former Integrity Framework, which had been subject to criticism. Transparency International Canada had provided its recommendations on how the Integrity Framework could be improved.
TI Canada in the News About Manulife and FINTRAC, and Legal Loopholes in BC
TI Canada’s Interim-Executive Director was interviewed on CBC’s ‘On the Money’ (interview starts at 5:26) to discuss the fallout of FINTRAC not naming Manulife Bank for fines of $1.15 million. Manulife Bank, a division of Manulife Financial, was fined for failing report obligations on many transactions. Manulife Bank has claimed that its failure to flag the bank transfers, including those deemed to be suspicious, were due to ‘administrative errors’.
TI Canada in the News on Bill C-25
TI Canada active member Denis Meunier was featured in the Toronto Star where he commented on the issues associated with the Ottawa’s first comprehensive reform of corporate law in more than a decade, Bill C-25.
TI Canada Testifies on Beneficial Ownership to House Standing Committee on Bill C-25
TI Canada representatives testified before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology (INDU). The INDU standing committee will be discussing Bil C-25, An Act to amend the Canada Business Corporations Act, the Canada Cooperatives Act, the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act, and the Competition Act (listen to the full meeting here).