On July 3rd 2015, the Department of Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) introduced its revamped procurement Integrity Regime. The Regime replaces the former Integrity Framework, which had been subject to criticism.
Canada’s Anti-Money Laundering Controls – Are They Enough?
Corporate Wrongdoing - Assessing Canada's Policies on Integrity Framework
TI Canada's Executive Director Alesia Nahirny and several TI Canada Board Members participated in an event organized by the Institute for Research for Research on Public Policy "Assessing Canada's Policies on the Integrity Framework and Corporate Wrongdoing." Some of the questions discussed by the expert panel were:
What are the main policy instruments used in Canada to combat 'white collar' crime? Have these instruments been effective?
How should the Canadian government respond to incidents of corporate wrongdoing to preserve the integrity of procurement process and public trust?
How do existing rules affect the ability of Canadian firms to compete globally - are Canadian penalties weaker, stiffer or similar than those in other countries for the same offences?
Should the federal government consider adopting deferred-prosecution agreements?
The IRPP is due to publish its report in early 2016 and it will be posted on our website.
TI Canada meets with members of Financial Action Task Force
On November 10, 2015, TI Canada Chair and President, Peter Dent and Executive Director, Alesia Nahirny, met with members of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) assessment team.The FATF conducts peer reviews of each member on an ongoing basis to assess levels of implementation of the FATF Recommendations with an in-depth description and analysis of each country's system for preventing criminal abuse of the financial system.The team was visiting Canada to assess Canada's anti-money laundering/counter-terrorism financing regime. While in Canada, the team sought the opinion of experts, including TI Canada, on the risk context of money laundering in Canada, specifically related to corruption.Their report should be published in a few months time and will be posted on our website.
TI Canada Free Event on International Anti-Corruption Day 9 Dec 2015
In celebration of International Anti-Corruption Day, TI Canada invites you to join us for an event on December 9, 2015. We are hosting a group discussion with distinguished speakers from Canada and abroad to tackle the proposed changes to Canada’s anti-money laundering legislation, and to showcase Transparency International’s recent report, “Just for Show? Reviewing G20 Promises on Beneficial Ownership.”
TI launches report on Beneficial Ownership; Canada ranked as weak
TI Canada/TI Secretariat file factum with Supreme Court on importance of protecting whisteblowers
International Anti-Corruption Day
TI Supports Open Access Coursebook "Global Corruption: Law, Theory and Practice"
TI Canada and TI Secretariat bring joint motion for leave to intervene in Supreme Court case
Transparency International Canada and Transparency International Secretariat have brought a joint motion for leave to intervene in the Supreme Court of Canada appeal of World Bank Group v. Kevin Wallace, et al. The appeal will consider whether an immunity conferred under Canadian law to an international organization may be vitiated by cooperation between the international organization (The World Bank) and domestic Canadian law enforcement (Royal Canadian Mounted Police).
What’s your party’s position on Whistleblower Protections in Canada?
TI Canada has sent an Open Letter to Political Party Leaders regarding Whistleblower Protection in Canada asking them what their party's position is on whistleblower protection.
TI Canada provides input into Government of Canada’s consultation regarding the Amendments of Regulations made under the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act, 2015
TI Releases its annual Exporting Corruption progress report 2015
16th International Anti-Corruption Conference (Malaysia) 2-4 Sept 2015
The International Anti-Corruption Conference is the world’s premier global forum for bringing together heads of state, civil society, the private sector and more to tackle the increasingly sophisticated challenges posed by corruption. The IACC takes place every two years in a different region of the world, and hosts from 800 to 2000 participants from over 135 countries worldwide. The conference serves as the premier global forum for the networking and cross-fertilisation that are indispensable for effective advocacy and action, on a global and national level.For more information please visit the 16th IACC website here.