Canada has fallen from its coveted position within the top 10 least corrupt countries on Transparency International’s annual Corruption Perception Index (CPI) published today.
Press Release: SNC-Lavalin Plea Deal—Modest Win for Canada’s Anti-Corruption Regime Says Transparency International Canada
Transparency International Canada Welcomes Successful Conclusion of Major Corruption Trial
Business Integrity Forum
New Survey Says Majority of Canadians Concerned and Want Action About Money-Laundering, or ‘Snow-Washing’
A new survey by the Angus Reid Institute finds that a majority of Canadians think money laundering is a problem and want action taken. The survey found:
Three-quarters of Canadians say money laundering is an issue within their own province (74%). Even more, say the [sic] on a national level (81%) it is a challenge that Canada needs to address.
TI Canada welcomes new Chair and Board Members
Canada Moves the Ball Forward in Combating Shell Company Abuse
TI Canada Canadian Integrity Award
Inaugural TI Canada Canadian Integrity Award
Toronto Day of Dialogue Agenda
Billions in Unknown Funds Flow Through Toronto Real Estate, Shows New TI Canada’s Report
In Canada, individuals can own a property and hide this fact from law enforcement, tax authorities, and private sector entities with anti-money laundering (AML) obligations. Canada’s property registers allow beneficial owners to use companies, trusts, or nominees to hold title to property and remain anonymous, which facilitates money laundering in the real estate sector, or as it has come to be known in Canada, ‘snow-washing’.
TI Canada and Canadians For Tax Fairness Submit Suggestions for the Real Estate Sector to the B.C.’s Expert Panel on Money Laundering
In light of British Columbia’s vulnerability to criminal financial activities in the real estate sector, Transparency International Canada and Canadians For Tax Fairness (C4TF) shared with the B.C government comments on current anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing (AML/ATF) efforts and suggestions on how to improve them.