La coalition plaidait déjà auprès de tous les partis fédéraux pour une mise en place plus rapide d'un registre des bénéficiaires effectifs, une priorité qui est devenue très urgente en matière de sécurité nationale à la lumière de l'invasion de l'Ukraine par la Russie.
End Snow-Washing Coalition Applauds Accelerated Timeline For A Publicly Accessible Beneficial Ownership Registry by 2023
The ‘End Snow-Washing’ Coalition (Transparency International Canada, Publish What You Pay Canada, and Canadians for Tax Fairness) enthusiastically applauds the announcement by the Federal Government and The New Democratic Party (NDP) to fast-track the delivery of a publicly accessible beneficial ownership registry by 2023.
Press Release: Canada marketed abroad as a secrecy jurisdiction to crooks and tax cheats: new report
Canada is known as an easy place to launder dirty money, or ‘snow-wash’. It’s not just the experts who know this though. International corporate service providers actively promote incorporating companies in Canada to clients who wish to take advantage of lax secrecy laws and low financial crime enforcement.
Coalition Urges Action from Federal Ministers
TI Canada Provides Testimony to House Standing Committee on Finance
Canada Slides Again on Corruption Perceptions Index
Canada’s score dropped three points to 74 out of 100 on Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), and fell two places to 13th out of 180 countries, behind peers like the UK, Germany, and New Zealand
Le Canada Chute de Nouveau Dans L'Indice de Perception de la Corruption
Le Canada a chuté de trois points avec un score de 74 sur 100 sur l'Indice de Perception de la Corruption (IPC) de Transparency International de 2021.
Federal Mandate Letters Update
Canada’s Anti-Corruption Commitments at the Summit for Democracy Have Promise, But More Details Are Needed
On December 9-10, the United States hosted roughly 100 countries for a virtual Summit for Democracy. The Summit was held by the US in recognition of the growing global erosion of democracy and increasing influence of authoritarianism. The Government of Canada made six commitments on anti-corruption actions. TI Canada welcomes these commitments, but would like to see more details.
Coalition Provides Comments to FATF Submission
TI Canada Provides Testimony to Ontario's Finance Committee
Canada receives C grade in Transparency International’s Government Defence Integrity index
TI Canada joins press conference for Ontario Anti-Money Laundering in House Act
Transparency International Canada’s Executive Director, James Cohen, was invited to attend a press conference for the introduction of legislation to increase Ontario real estate. The Anti-Money Laundering in Housing Act, proposed by Ontario NDP Housing critic Jessica Bell (University-Rosedale), and MPP Bhutila Karpoche would require corporations, trusts, and partnerships that own real estate to disclose individual owners, with failure to comply resulting in fines of up to $100,000.
Coalition provides closing arguments for the Commission of Inquiry into Money Laundering in British Columbia
Closing arguments were made by participants in the Commission of Inquiry into Money Laundering in B.C. between October 15th to October 19th. Among the participants was End Snow Washing Coalition, comprised of Transparency International Canada, Canadians for Tax Fairness, and Published What You Pay Canada. The Coalition was represented by counsel Gratl & Company.
October Newsletter: Anti-Money Laundering in the News
Following the release of the Pandora Papers, an investigative report published by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, Executive Director of Transparency International Canada James Cohen provided comments to CBC-Radio One program The Current.