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Canada deals a massive blow to money launderers with strong legislation for a publicly accessible corporate beneficial ownership registry.

Canada tables legislation for a publicly accessible corporate beneficial ownership registry which includes scalability for provinces and territories, data verification and validation.

Indice de perception de la corruption 2022 : le Canada stagne au classement annuel de Transparency International

Indice de perception de la corruption 2022 : le Canada stagne au classement annuel de Transparency International

Le score du Canada dans l'Indice de perception de la corruption (IPC) 2022 de Transparency International stagne avec une note de 74 sur 100. Mais si le Canada est resté dans le peloton de tête des pays les moins corrompus, son classement est cependant passé de la 13e à la 14e place, dépassé par l'Australie et l'Irlande.

CPI 2022: Canada Fails to Improve on Transparency International Annual Ranking

CPI 2022: Canada Fails to Improve on Transparency International Annual Ranking

Canada’s score on Transparency International’s 2022 Corruption Perceptions Index remained stagnant with a score of 74 out of 100. While Canada remained in the top tier of least corrupt countries, its ranking dropped to 14th place from 13 after being overtaken by Australia and Ireland.

In This Window of Political Will To Act on Corruption, Wealthy Democracies Must Address Their Own Roles

In This Window of Political Will To Act on Corruption, Wealthy Democracies Must Address Their Own Roles

There is a moment of increasing political will by wealthy democratic nations address global corruption, especially in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. With potential leadership from the US, and emerging interest from countries like Canada and the Netherlands, it is critical that this political will for anti-corruption focus domestically as well as internationally.

David Hutton receives 2nd Canadian Integrity Award

David Hutton receives 2nd Canadian Integrity Award

At the 2022 Toronto Day of Dialogue on November 17, TI Canada recognized Mr. David Hutton for the 2nd Canadian Integrity Award. Mr. Hutton is Senior Fellow at the Centre for Free Expression at Toronto Metropolitan University.

TI Canada also recognized as an honourable mention, the Radio-Canada investigative journalist program Enquête. Representing Enquête at the Day of Dialogue were managing editor, Luc Tremblay and host, Marie-Maude Denis.

New Report - Provinces need to step up and work with feds to resolve Canada’s opaque patchwork of corporate data

New Report - Provinces need to step up and work with feds to resolve Canada’s opaque patchwork of corporate data

As the federal government prepares to launch a public beneficial ownership registry in 2023, the current state of corporate data across all 14 Canadian jurisdictions is an opaque patchwork – leaving Canada vulnerable to money laundering and other financial crimes. Provinces and territories are the weakest link.

Enhancing Trust Transparency: Transparency International’s Revisions to Recommendation 25

Enhancing Trust Transparency: Transparency International’s Revisions to Recommendation 25

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF), the global anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing governing body, recently held public consultations concerning its guidance on trusts. In Recommendation 25 (R25) of the FATF guidelines for members, the FATF calls upon countries to “ensure that there is adequate, accurate and timely information on express trusts, including information on the settlor, trustee and beneficiaries that can be obtained or accessed in a timely fashion by competent authorities”.

Améliorer la transparence de la fiducie : Révisions de Transparency International à la Recommandation 25

Améliorer la transparence de la fiducie : Révisions de Transparency International à la Recommandation 25

Le Groupe d'action financière (GAFI), l'organe directeur mondial de la lutte contre le blanchiment d'argent et le financement du terrorisme, a récemment organisé des consultations publiques concernant ses orientations sur les fiducies. Dans la recommandation 25 (R25) des lignes directrices du GAFI à l'intention de ses membres, le GAFI invite les pays à "s'assurer qu'il existe des informations adéquates, précises et opportunes sur les fiducies, y compris des informations sur le constituant, le fiduciaire et les bénéficiaires, qui peuvent être obtenues ou consultées en bonne et due forme par les autorités compétentes".

Les recommandations du rapport final de la Commission Cullen constituent une victoire majeure pour empêcher l'argent sale d'entrer dans les sociétés et propriétés fictives au Canada

Les recommandations du rapport final de la Commission Cullen constituent une victoire majeure pour empêcher l'argent sale d'entrer dans les sociétés et propriétés fictives au Canada

Après trois ans de témoignages d'experts et la contribution de deux cents témoins, la Commission Cullen de la Colombie-Britannique a publié son rapport final. L'une des principales victoires du rapport est la recommandation faite à la Colombie-Britannique de travailler avec le gouvernement fédéral pour créer un registre centralisé de la propriété effective, de classe mondiale, qui couvrirait éventuellement l'ensemble du pays.